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By Daniel Kobialka
Sound and music have been used for millennia to create change. Tribal drums and chanting, mantras, and hymns all have known effects on consciousness. But it is not all "in our minds", sound and music also affect our bodies. Snake charmers and fire walkers can attest to how sound and music can alter consciousness and make the body impervious to damage.
And now, so can scientists.
Science has devised modern ways to use sound. The military transmits radio frequency waves to submarines under the polar ice cap using sound wave theory. Nikola Tesla was a true master of "harmonic resonance." He could bring down a tall building with a hand-held jigger (a mechanical device that produces a jolting motion) set to the building's resonant frequency and located in the basement on a structural beam. Earthquake-proof buildings are designed with unequal distances between floors, which disrupts this resonant frequency. Ultrasound is used in medicine to determine the presence of abnormalities or potential problems in a fetus, dissolve kidney stones, and detect cancer.
Obviously vibrational theory is no longer solely the domain of mystics and clairvoyants. Take the now-popular video and book, "The Secret". Larry King, Ellen Degeneres and Oprah have devoted tv shows to this phenomenon that is currently all the rage. But Dr. David Hawkins conducted research for 29 years and explains this power of attraction in his book "Power vs. Force".
Dr. Hawkins demonstrated that a person's "vibration" mirrors his mental state and his body becomes stronger or weaker accordingly. Hawkins writes, "Music is in some ways the most subtle of the arts, for it's the least concrete. However, in bypassing left-brain rationality to appeal directly to our subconscious right-brain sense of pattern, it's at the same time the most visceral and emotional. It also provides the easiest example of how attractor patterns order reality." In layman's terms, we can use music to raise our power to attract positive experiences in life, including health, wealth and happiness. The healing power of music can aid us in the realization of our innate birthright to be healthy, wealthy and wise.
Pure science, delving into the mysteries of the mind and how music affects specific areas and functions of the brain, opens the door to many avenues of exploration in treating and curing various diseases and conditions. The metaphysical journey to balance and harmony via music is being translated into a physical science.
Music as a complex form of sound vibrations is being studied as a way to communicate with those who cannot speak, and even with those who cannot hear. There are therefore many areas to be explored in discovering the healing power of music.
Category: Music